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How to Find Time for Marketing (When Your Day Is Busy as Hell)


We can all agree that your business won’t get far without a fair share of marketing.

Yet…what if you’re too busy with the day-to-day stuff that you never seem to have the time to promote your business? How is it ever going to get found?

Whether you’re on a tight schedule or trying to make some extra time these are a few ways you can market your business even during a hectic day:

1. FINALLY Get Around to Emailing

Emails are perfect for getting the word out without having to take tons of time creating a blog post or shooting a video for your YouTube channel. It doesn’t need to be some long-winded sales letter, it can be a short update with what’s going on.

Here are some easy touchpoints when using email:

  • What’s going on behind-the-scenes
  • New updates and events at the business
  • Product updates and changes
  • Promotions and contests

It takes you what… 2-3 minutes to quickly draft an email? That’s a sliver of an investment to get your name back in front of your audience. So, why not do it?

2. Tell A Friend (Better Yet: Ask Others To)

Word-of-mouth marketing can be one of the most powerful ways to sell your products or services. 

Recommendations from friends and family are highly impactful as opposed to many marketing messages that get lost in the noise. So, encourage people to talk about your business and what it has to offer!

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Additionally, whenever you’re on the phone or talking to someone, go ahead and recommend your business. Hey, it’s your livelihood on the line. Get over this “fear of marketing”, and you’ll both get your business out there while also fitting it into your already busy schedule.

3. Put Content to Work

When you write content for the web or in print, you are setting your business up to gain leads and clients for years to come. Even if your article sits at the bottom of search results, people will eventually find it and click through to your link.

If you write one post a week… try doing two.

Monday & Friday. Or, whatever schedule fits your busy schedule.

Make one super simple like a news update while the other is in-depth. Or, try a different format where maybe one is written and the other is a quick audio post / micro podcast.

Your marketing scales with the content.

It keeps building on itself.

And if you can’t get to it? Consider hiring someone for content creation.

4. Fall (Back) In Love With Business Cards

Wherever you go, be sure to carry around a nice stack of business cards so you can plunk them down on the table, pin them to a board, or pass them around to anyone you talk to.

Make your business card stand out and mean something so people don’t toss it as soon as they find the closest garbage can. Make sure to tell people what you do, tell them the benefits of doing business with you, and slip them a card before the conversation wraps up.

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This sounds like a “well, duh” tip but are you doing it? Are your competitors?

It feels like a novelty these days…

…so capitalize on it and use it as a way to strike up a conversation, or at least get them interested in checking out the site later on.

5. Set Your Marketing On Autopilot

An online advertising campaign doesn’t take long to set up.

If done right – it only takes a few minutes to check in on the campaign’s performance and make a few adjustments. You may even have it managed so all that’s needed from you is a quick “yes” or “no” to what your campaign manager suggests or recommends.

6. Be Social

You don’t have to be active on social media all the time to take advantage of the platforms.

Log into your preferred social network or media platform, send out a message, and get on with your busy day. Don’t waste time by spending hours upon hours just lurking around – be active, direct but always make sure you’re giving out information people actually want or responding to good feedback.

Little by Little

Your day-to-day is best spent doing the things that move the needle.

Marketing is certainly one of them but you don’t need to become a full-time marketer!

You can see, from this post, that there are plenty of ways to get some marketing in when you’re busy. It should have also helped you realize that it’s a good idea to hand off marketing to those that know what they’re doing!

It’s a process, so just chip at it little by little and you’ll get the most from marketing while being able to keep up with what the day throws at you.

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