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Need to be a hero to your audience? Try This…

The Amazing Course-Creation Secret of A Desperate Nerd From Walnut Creek!

Dear Friend,

If you would like to make online courses and curriculum that attract your audience like a high-powered electromagnet…

Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.

Here is why…

My name is Joe DeMaria. I help people get the knowledge they have out of their head and into a course. These courses make a huge impact, and people are begging to get in.

It wasn’t always that way. In fact, my first online course was called “Introduction to Direct Mail” … sexy title, right?

I’ll share what earned me the right to create that course in a moment.


I already had a successful business and decided I wanted to leverage myself by building a course.

Every night after work, I stayed up late into the night toiling through the process. 

What I thought would take me a few months took almost 2 years. I sunk literally thousands of hours into creating my course.

 And it didn’t just cost me time…

I spent over $85,000 along the way.

All of my energy was channeled into my course…

And… Long story short…

It bankrupted me.

I made every mistake in the book.

In the end, I had $2.86 to my name…

I was living on credit cards, and I bankrupted my business. After I swallowed my pride, my dad got a visit … I had my hat in hand…and begged for help making the rent.

It was sad.

Come to think of it… I wasn’t just broke. I was desperate.

It didn’t stay that way…

As I’m writing this, I’m on a plane to Toronto. It’s a measly 2,615mi from home as the crow flies. I’m going because I need to be on set for a client’s course video shoot.

How did I go from broke and desperate to being on this plane writing to you right now?

It’s not how you think…

I was in rough shape.

Wallowing in self-pity…. I was lying in the cloudy green water of the pool of my sad North Natomas apartment complex…

…and I heard Sean Stephenson on the I Love Marketing podcast.

Sean’s talk gave me a “crazy idea” that struck me like a bolt of lightning.

I launched myself flailing out of the pool and raced dripping wet into my dank little apartment.

I spent the next 4 hours rewriting my failed course.

I felt like a caveman

discovering fire

My “crazy idea” was a new way to create and teach online courses that actually inspired action in people.

In fact, anyone using this superpower could transform the lives of those it touched.

Not only that… it could also transform the wielder’s business, too.

My friends thought my new teaching system was another hair-brained B.S idea.

It was all a big joke to them — and they made sure I knew it.

They saw me as an all-time, back-to-back, record book loser with no “common sense” — and I was silly enough to keep them around.

My business partner at the time said I was a “nerd” and that my silly adventure in teaching was hard to watch.


My girlfriend at the time told me to stop talking about “crazy ideas” until they were actually making money.

She even told me to give it all up and get a job.


Well… I didn’t care.

My idea was solid.

There were a few people I knew that wanted to create courses (And had failed before) … I reached out to them.

I taught them my system for free as an experiment.

And guess what?

The course creation system worked!

It worked for anything you could want to teach…

I tested my system over and over again. People started paying a hefty amount for my course creation secrets.

The bottom line…?

Before I finished the experiment, my test subjects…

Impacted Over 350,000 Students!

Think about it… More than three hundred-fifty-thousand people took courses created and taught by “ethical teachers” I had trained… as an experiment!

The funny thing is…

None of that mattered to me.

What mattered was that I had stumbled on magic that was undeniable and universal.The magic didn’t come from the courses they sold (or even how they sold them) –it was how they taught them.

Do you have a course that you’ve been wanting to make?

If so, you can use my “crazy idea” to create a course or program of your own that will scale your business AND your impact on your audience.

Who Needs This Secret?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, a course could be the ideal next step to…

Expand your influence,

impact even more people, and

grow your business even

faster than you are right now.


I earned the right to create “Introduction to Direct Mail” because I became a sought-after marketing consultant.

There was a problem.

You see, no matter what I did — I only had 24 hours in a day.

No matter how hard I worked, there was a built-in limit to how many people I could help.

Besides… I believed then (as I do now) that trading your time for dollars is a horrible way to make a living.

I wanted more.

I searched and searched until I heard that I Love Marketing episode with Sean Stephenson.

That was the first experience I ever had with what I call DAT or “Dynamic Ascension Training”.

DAT uses the secrets of something else I developed called “Buyer Brain Blueprints” (which gives you the exact roadmap for what to put in your course).

And what DAT lets you do is create a customized curriculum that will attract the audience you want to be a hero to… like a moth to a porch light.

I want to share these and other strategies on your…

Free Course Curriculum

Strategy Session

Here’s how it works… 

We get on the phone for about 40 minutes.

I’ll ask you some questions about your business and your expertise.

Then I’ll tell you what it is we have going on over here.

After… you get to ask all the questions you want.

At the end… Just tell me if it makes sense.

Easy, right?

And it is, because… I designed these systems to be used by anyone.

One client using my “crazy curriculum idea”, for example, brought in..

More Than $1,200,000

A Month Teaching!

When they started they had to cram 7 guys into a sweaty 150sq/ft office to bring in a measly $5,000 a month in sales.

Within 8 months they moved into 6,000 square feet of office space and built their own video production studio.

They even had to hire dozens of new employees to handle the finances, support the students, and produce more courses.

And DAT and Buyer Brain Blueprints are not the only thing you’ll learn in your Free Course Curriculum Strategy Session…

That’s the first part of the roadmap that I will build for you in our short 40-minute conversation.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll walk away with at the end of your call:

A lot more, in fact…


Here are a few other things that students have learned from this system…

Okay, listen…

We’re running out of time here.

My flight is about to land, and I’ve got to meet my clients for dinner.

Apply For Your Free Course

Curriculum Strategy Session Now

I’ve held sessions like this for entrepreneurs and corporations at the spine-tingling price of $10,000, and I am happy to guide you through the process for no charge!

“Joe DeMaria is one of the top guys in the world at course creation and curriculum building.” ~ Joe Polish, Founder of Genius Network and President of Piranha Marketing Inc

My friends tell me I’m crazy for making an offer like this.

My mom tells me I’m handsome… and the jury is out on that one.

What are you waiting for?

Listen — You are here now, you’re reading this letter, and you know the impact you could have by implementing a game plan like this.

Now (because of the deep dive, personalized nature of this offer), I can only work with a few clients at a time.

When the calendar fills up, this offer goes down.

P.S. The first 50 people to get approved for call will be entered to win our First Time Creators Tech Giveaway.

​​Just click the big orange button above to schedule to enter my giveaway!

Here’s what clients and friends say about Teach To Scale

Joe Polish

Founder of Genius Network

“[Joe DeMaria is] known as one of the top course creators on the planet and has unique talent with taking expertise and packaging it.”

Alex Mandossian

Founder of MarketingOnline.com

​”Joe, you’re a maestro! Your ascension model for course creation has been a total breakthrough!”

Lee Richter

Founder of GoAskLee.com

“When I saw your stuff I asked the team “Why doesn’t ours look like that?” Tapping into your unique genius has been so special.”
